Miayoko Takanashi

Excalibur | Red Mage | Floor DPS

A tale of two Mithras Miqo'te

Miayoko was born in a small village of Kazham in a different world known as Vana’diel. She was the youngest of her siblings and from a long line of Rangers. She grew up listening to stories of the Great Crystal War. As her siblings grew they all took up the bow. Mia was never very apt at hunting the way her village did set out at a young age to pick up magic. She found herself in the Federation of Windurst hiding behind shelves or helping out in the Orastary. She slowly taught herself to cast magic and took up the art of a Red Mage. She became a well known adventurer on Vana’diel rising to the challenge of whatever came her way. She became the personal protégé of a Tarutaru known as Professor Shantotto. Much to Mia’s dismay. Shantotto was as hard on the mind as she was on the body. Always trying to create the next new spell. Miayoko quickly became apt at other classes and spells. One day she was with the Professor trying to create a new warp spell for her world. Or so she thought. With a gleam in Shantotto’s eyes there was a bright flash and Miayoko’s world as she knew it would no longer be anything she knew at all.She came to in a place people called “Limsa Lominsa.” Everyone around her gawking at her. She tried using the magic from her own world only to be laughed at and mocked by the locals. Hurt and upset she took off and tried to figure out where she was. She came upon a tribe of cats in her journey that came from the "Seekers of the Sun." From there, even though she is not religious, she learned the teachings of the Goddess Menphina. Much like her homeworld teaching of love and family. Mia’s outward looks are closer to a Seeker of the Sun. Mia is paler in nature to most Seekers though due to her staying up late hours in contrast to daylight. Slowly, as Mia learned the customs of this new world called “Erozea” she took up new magicks. She tried her hand as an Arcanist but she fumbles quite often.Early in her journey as such class she ran into a person called Jubei Takanashi. She owes her life to her on many occasions. She quickly became someone she looked up to. She stayed by her side and slowly their companionship grew into love. Although, Jubei thinks Mia’s a bit insane when she speaks of her “homeworld.” Until one fateful day in Gridania they both came across her former teacher. Foiling her plot with Jubei dumbfounded that her babblings might not be babblings afterall.Mia stayed in Erozea as her former teacher returned to Vana’diel. Curious to learn she set out hoping that this world could give her the rush she was looking for. Meeting friends along the way that she now considers family. Miayoko might return to Vana’diel someday. But, for now, she is content helping this world. Hoping to make her mark here along the way.Personality:
Miayoko is a very hyper and curious person. She always has to joke around even in serious situations. She’s also very talkative. Or tries to be. She’s very clumsy and awkward. Mia is banned from almost all shops in the Ul’Dah markets due to her accidentally breaking something. Being the youngest she is used to being spoiled and pampered. She’s generally friendly but she is also socially inept so she has the tendency to blurt something out before she thinks. She has very few manners due to her upbringing so she usually tries to follow social queues and mimics others around her.
You can usually find Mia in Frontlines screaming at people. Or in her house being a very lazy catloaf.

Forgiven Idiot

★ Crystal
★ She/Her
★ 30+
★ Mother
★ Gamer
★ Married
★ Shitpost Queen
★ Multifandom
★ Social Disaster
★ Wannabe Cool Kid
★Professional Loser

Before you follow | DNI | Fandoms

Before you follow:
♡ I post NSFW
♡ 18+ followers please.
♡ I am multifandom.
♡ I post a lot.
♡ I am socially awkward.
♡ I am the mom friend.

∘ Minors
∘ Racists
∘ Homophobic
∘ Ablest
∘ Gore

One Piece•ENNEAD•Rainbow Brite•Hetalia•Yu-Gi-Oh!•Food Wars!•Pokemon•Nintendo•FFXIV•PersonaCountless others•